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The Pros, Cons and How-Tos of Humidifiers


Humidity plays a significant role in preserving the comfort of your home and is a factor that can affect the performance of your heating and cooling system. Hence, it’s essential not to overlook it. A homeowner must learn how to prioritize indoor humidity management to meet the needs of the household as a whole. In this post, the indoor air quality experts at John Stevenson Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. shares tips on recommended indoor humidity levels during the winter season.

Why Use Humidifiers?

Indoor air is dry and uncomfortable during the winter, which can result in respiratory discomfort, dry skin and the build-up of static electricity in your home. This is where humidifiers come in, adding humidity to your home so everyone can sleep better, avoid skin irritations and maintain a warmer home without using an excessive amount of energy for heating.

Although humidifiers offer a lot of benefits, they can also result in significant problems. One of these is that they can contribute to attic condensation issues. When the temperature rises for several days in the winter, you may notice something that seems like water infiltration on the ceilings and walls. Though this can be a direct sign that you have a leaky roof, the sudden rise in temperature may also be causing condensation to form in your attic due to your home humidifier.

But how does this happen? According to HVAC experts, the humid air from your living space comes up into your attic if you have inadequate insulation. The water condenses on the underside of the roof when the warm air collides with cold air. As this moisture continuously builds up on the roof and the cold air freezes it, it will result in ice buildup. When the temperature becomes warmer, this frozen condensation melts and falls onto the attic floor, thus the seeming water infiltration on the ceilings and walls.

The Right Setting

Though humidifiers can cause homeowners big problems, knowing how to set the recommended indoor humidity level is a life-saver. A good rule of thumb is to keep indoor humidity levels between 25% and 40% during the cold season. Try to set the indoor humidity at a level that isn’t extremely low, as this can cause nosebleeds, but which is also not incredibly high, which can result in moisture problems.

To prevent any further issues, homeowners should learn to keep humidifiers at the recommended indoor humidity level and improve the insulation and venting system of their homes. If you’re having any attic condensation problems or need an air conditioning contractor, call John Stevenson Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. at (760) 276-6690 or fill out our contact form for a consultation.
