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5 Commercial HVAC Practices to Help Your Business Save Money


Compared to residential buildings, commercial buildings consume more energy. As such, it’s understandable that business owners would want to look for ways to reduce their energy consumption every month, just as homeowners do. Thankfully, this is possible through your commercial HVAC unit. In fact, according to experts, there are a few practices you can begin following now to help your business save money on energy costs, such as the following:

Improving Efficiency Through Upgrades – One common commercial HVAC practice that you can follow in order to save money is upgrading the unit to improve its efficiency. In fact, according to experts, an upgrade can improve the unit's efficiency by 5-20%, allowing you to save more every month.

Reduce Energy Waste by Regularly Changing the HVAC Filters – It should be common knowledge that an HVAC system’s filters must be cleaned or replaced regularly. This is because dirty filters can overwork an HVAC system, making it costly to use because clogged filters restrict the system’s airflow. In addition, dirty filters can also result in more HVAC maintenance issues and increased costs. By replacing your dirty filters roughly every three months, you can help your business reduce wasted energy by 5-10%.

Regular Maintenance – As another rule of thumb, an HVAC unit, whether it’s for commercial or residential purposes, must be routinely maintained. In fact, it’s been proven that proactive maintenance of your system can help your business reduce commercial HVAC maintenance costs by 40%, allowing you to save a good amount of money in the process. With that in mind, it’s important to find an expert air conditioning professional to maintain your HVAC system.

Install Programmable Thermostats – It can be difficult to manually set the temperature of a commercial building, and it’s easy to forget to adjust it, which can cost your business hundreds of dollars every year. To avoid this, experts recommend that you install programmable thermostats instead and save significantly in the process.

Properly Seal Your Heating and Cooling Ducts – Another way that you can improve your HVAC system’s efficiency is by properly sealing your heating and cooling ducts. According to experts, by so doing you can increase its efficiency by 20% and reduce your monthly heating and cooling bills.

Do you need a professional to service your HVAC system? If so, simply turn to John Stevenson Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc., your number one professionals when it comes to residential and commercial HVAC services. Give us a call at (760) 276-6690 or fill out our contact form to reach out to us.
